Encouraging People to Buy Local

The fact that we have the phrase "Buy Local" tells you we don't do enough of that. However, telling people to "Buy Local" is a weak position.

It's basically lecturing people and comes across as trying to guilt them into taking personal responsibility for global trends that no one person can possibly fix on their own. The basic idea is a good idea and it is rooted in good intentions but the typical approach boils down to "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

It's better to facilitate buying local than to lecture people to "Buy Local."

If you want people to buy local, put together information sources on where to buy local, what the advantages are to buying those specific things that are available locally and don't get all judgy and high-handed about it. Don't try to act like "It's BETTER to buy local. My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts!"

For example, food grown and sold locally is likely to be fresher than food shipped in from elsewhere. And it may cost less while being better quality, though the catch may be that you only get it once a week at the local farmer's market or some such.

Originally published elsewhere on March 2, 2023.

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