It is very cold in space

As noted previously, the best place to set up a lunar colony is at the poles which hover around 32 degrees Fahrenheit instead of being perpetually hundreds of degrees below freezing or swinging wildly between daytime temps too hot to survive and nighttime temps too cold to survive.

While much more survivable than other parts of the moon, this is still potentially deadly cold.

In no particular order, a few thoughts:

1. Someone somewhere living in extreme cold created heated beds to sleep on because they were fine while working during the day but at serious risk of freezing to death at night while sleeping. This used substantially less fuel than trying to heat the whole house all day everyday. 

The fuel savings was a big deal and dramatically improved their ability to survive because it reduced the burden involved in coming up with enough resources.

2. My career military father had a Hawaiian man in his unit in Germany. They issued this man special permission to wrap his blanket around himself under his clothes because he just wasn't coping at all well with the cold.

I will suggest that people from places where it gets seriously cold will be both physically and logistically better prepared to survive the cold.

Someone who isn't from such a place should go through an acclimation process if they really want to be stationed on the moon. This should happen BEFORE sending them up.

3. The Inuit stay warm by eating things like whale blubber, plus fondue is the product of a far northern culture. Research should be done into how to stay warm via eating the right foods for staying warm.

Ideally, this research should specify a list of foods and have an explanation for the biochemistry because lunar colonists are unlikely to be hunting whales up there anytime soon, if ever. So the end goal should be to establish a reasonable means to grow something locally reasonably soon and import such initially while working towards that.

Originally published elsewhere on November 22, 2024. Slightly edited.

This post has nothing to do with revenge, but Ricardo Mantalban says it so well. Besides, it's only a twenty second clip.

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